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In this blog we are going to discuss about tooth extraction aftercare for fast healing.

Having your tooth pulled is something that we are always scared off but sometimes necessary too.

Let your dentist do his job and you follow proper aftercare instructions, and then would never have to worry about post extraction complications.

Although tooth extraction procedure is done in an aseptic condition, it can allow harmful bacteria into the bloodstream.

After the tooth extraction procedure, the dentists would advise some tooth extraction aftercare tips to aid the healing process:

Post-operative instructions to be followed:

1. Bite on a gauze pack for 30-60 minutes

After the extraction bite on a gauze pack firmly placed on the extraction site/surgical site for 30-60 minutes at least. Then discard it gently.

If it is bleeding like a fresh wound (bright red, dripping blood) bite on additional fresh gauze for approximately 30 more minutes. Repeat as necessary until the area is slight oozing and blood is dark & clotting.

Remember a little blood and a lot of saliva will look like a lot of blood, usually it is just a lot of saliva. The goal is to keep blood clot in the socket to prevent bleeding and a painful complication known as DRY SOCKET

When bleeding persists at home, place a guaze pad or cold wet teabag over the area and bite firmly for 30 minutes.

2. Don’t spit, and don’t suck through a straw

Spitting or sucking through a straw will dislodge the clot formed at the extraction site and promote bleeding. It can lead to dry socket and delayed healing

Drink water/ juice directly from the glass.

3. Don’t rinse your mouth and don’t brush

Avoid rigorous rinsing, brushingor flossing next to the site of extraction for first 24 hours. As this can also dislodge the clot from the socket.

4. Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue

It is very common to feel uneasy and discomfort at the site of extraction; but you should avoid frequent rubbing with tongue. It can cause clot dislodgment and bleeding.

5. Elevate head

Keep your head elevated on several pillows or sit in a lounge chair for 12 hours.

6. Do not smoke or use tobacco

Avoid smoking or use of tobacco for 24 hours after surgery. The sucking action of smoking a cigarette or pipe can dislodge a blood clot and cause a dry socket. This also slows the healing process.

7. Warm salt water rinse

After the first 24 hours following surgery, rinse gently with warm salt water after every meal. Use about 1 teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. You can continue this for 1-2 weeks. Brush gently avoiding the extraction sites for 1-2 weeks.

8. Rest after tooth extraction

Avoid strenuous exercise during the first 24 hours, and keep the mouth from excessive movement. Physical activity may increase bleeding.

9. Soft food intake

Eat a soft diet for first 24 hours after the tooth extraction. Avoid foods that require excessive chewing.

10. Avoid nose-blowing or sneezing

If you had upper teeth removed avoid blowing your nose and sneezing for the first week (if you must sneeze, do so with your mouth open to prevent sinus damage).

11. Apply an ice pack after tooth extraction

To reduce swelling, you can apply an ice pack to the affected area at 10 minute intervals for the first 24 hours.

Ice constricts blood vessels, which numbs pain and relieves inflammation.

12. Pain killers

To control discomfort, take pain medication before the anesthetic has worn off or as recommended by your dentist.

13. Take antibiotics

You may be given a prescription for antibiotics. Be sure to take them as directed. If you have been prescribed antibiotics, take them as directed until they are all finished, even if there are no symptoms.

14. Don’t drink hot, carbonated or alcoholic drinks

15. Avoid spicy foods after tooth extraction


Post extraction, the recovery takes usually few days. The tooth extraction aftercare tips will help to lessen the discomfort, reduce the risk of infection and speed up the recovery.

Tooth extraction is generally done in safe environment but sometimes may lead to some post extraction complication. So follow proper aftercare tips.

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