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In this Blog we have discussed about Colon cancer symptoms and how you can diagnose it early.

Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men and women combined, as it can be difficult to detect in early stage. However, when this cancer is detected in the early stage, the recovery rate can be as high as 90%

You can detect rectal cancer by watching for symptoms and signs of the disease and by getting screening tests done by your doctor.

What is colorectal cancer?

Colorectal carcinoma or colorectal cancer is the cancer of large intestine and/or rectum

Areas involved in Colon Cancer
Areas involved in Colon Cancer

If you look at the gastrointestinal system you can see here is intestine. The blue part is small intestine and yellow part is large intestine, which has several parts like ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon and eventually rectum. So any part of the large intestine and rectum may be involved in this cancer.

Colon cancer bowl obstruction
Colon cancer bowl obstruction

What are the risk factors of colon cancer?

There are several risk factors we can count. However, the most important one is older age. The chances of having colon cancer increases with age.

Other risk factors like

  • History of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Family history of colorectal cancer or colorectal polyps
  • Approximately 5% of cases are attribute to genetic causes such as Familial adenomatous polyposis & Lynch syndrome
  • Some lifestyle factors may also contribute to an increase risk of colorectal cancer like
  • Low-fibre and High fat diet
  • A diet low in fruit and vegetables
  • Lack of regular physical exercise, alcohol consumption and tobacco use
Colon Cancer Warning Signs

Colon cancer symptoms:

1. Change in bowel habits:

Change in bowel habits including constipation or diarrhoea that lasts for more than a few days. You may also have difficulty emptying your bowels completely and experience discomfort when you have a bowel movement. These are usually symptoms of other less serious problems but they can also be symptoms of colon cancer.

If this symptoms are seen above the age of 50 then it could be a warning sign of colorectal cancer.

2. Narrowing of Stool: 

You may also have stools that appear narrower than usual or have a different size or shape than normal. If there is an obstruction the the path of passing stool become narrow. The stool has to pass through this narrow area which changes it’s shape. Sometime the shape of the stool is pencil-shaped. The size and shape of the stool varies according to the size of the tumor

Narrowing of Stool
Narrowing of Stool

3. Blood in your stool:

Bright Red blood or Blood in your stool that makes it look dark brown or black can also be associated with the colon cancer. Other health problems can also cause bleeding in the digestive tract, but if you start to experience bloody stool, see your doctor to rule out a serious condition.

This is one of the most common early warning signs of colorectal cancer 

Blood in Stool
Blood in Stool

4. Abdominal pain and bloating:

Notice if you have pain in your rectum or abdominal area. You may also experience gas pains or stomach cramps and feel bloated or full all the time, even if you have not eaten recently.

The abdominal pain in colorectal cancer may be due to partial or complete obstruction of the bowl or evasion of the cancer into the peritoneum.

5. Unexplained anaemia:

Another sign of colon cancer is Unexplained anemia. It is due to cancer related chronic blood loss. Which decrease the oxygen carrying cells in our body.

If you are anemic, you may find that you are tired, weak and may experience fatigue that improve upon resting. 

6. Palpable Mass:

Swollen abdominal mass can be palpable on the right lower quadrant of abdomen

If the tumor is in the right lower quadrant it may be palpable in some patients.

Palpable Mass in Colon Cancer
Palpable Mass in Colon Cancer

7. Colon cancer symptoms – Tenesmus:

Next important sign is tenesmus which is a feeling or sensation of urge to defecate and also a sensation of incomplete defecation.

Other possible signs of colon cancer are:

8. Unexplained weigth-loss

Unexplained weight-loss means you are losing weight without trying. The weight loss here, may be due to cancer cells consuming more of the body’s energy. Also because the immune system is working hard to fight the cancer cells. So if the tumor is large, it may cause blockages in the colon, which can cause bowel changes and further weight loss.which means you are losing weight without trying. 

9. Vomiting:

In colon cancer there is blockage causing bowel obstruction. This can in turn cause nausea and vomiting. It’s important to seek immediate medical help if you’ve vomited for more than 24 hours or if you can’t tolerate any fluid intake.

10. Fever in colon cancer: 

Fever is the body’s response to an infection or illness. It’s usually a sign that the cancer has spread or that it’s in an advanced stage. People who have cancer will often have a fever as a symptom.

Colon cancer symptoms in distant metastasis:

The cancer can spread into liver via portal vein. In that case you can see liver enlargement or hepatomegaly and jaundice like symptoms.

It can spread to lung and can cause breathing problems.

It can also spread through lymph node. In that case you can see lymphadenopathy or supraclavicular lymph node enlargement.

Most of times colon cancer doesn’t cause symptoms until it has grown or spread. Hence it is best to be screened for cancer before having any symptoms. Especially if you have family history of cancer. 


It is easier to treat colorectal cancer when diagnosed early through screening before experiencing any symptoms. Screening can also prevent colorectal cancers by finding and removing pre-cancerous growths called polyps.

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