Parkinson Disease Mnemonic – Easy way to remember Parkinson disease signs & symptoms
This Parkinson’s disease mnemonic will help you to remember the Signs & Symptoms of Parkinsonism.
Here the Mnemonic is “Be SMART”
Be = Bending / forward tilt
S = Shuffling gait
M = Mask like face
A = Akinesia
R = Rigidity
T = Tremor

Another mnemonic you can try: “PARKS“
P = Postural instability
A = Anxiety
R = Rigidity
K = Kinetic problems
S = Shaking

Also check this mnemonic about Parkinsonism
Mnemonic = “PARK DARK“
P = Pill rolling
A = About to fall
R = Rigidity
K = Can’t swallow / Can’t speak (drools)
D = Dopamine / L-dopa
A = Artane – Improves rigidity
R = Restrict coffee
K = Keep tremors down with antihistamine
Here is another mnemonic on Parkinsonian Drugs
The mnemonic is “ Carrot SALAD”
C = COMT inhibitors
S = Selegiline
A = Anticholinergics
L = L-Dopa + Dopa Decarboxylase Inhibitor
A = Amantadine
D = Dopamine agonists
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