Foramina of skull & structures passing through it with Mnemonics
Structures passing through the foramen Ovale:
Mandibular Nerve
Accessory Meningeal artery
Lesser petrosal nerve
Emissary vein connecting cavernous sinus and pterygoid venous plexus
You can remember with this mnemonic: “MALE”
Structures passing through the foramen spinosum:
Middle meningeal artery and vein
Emissary vein
Nervous spinosum
You can remember with this mnemonic: “MEN”

Structures passing through the foramen lacerum:
No structure pass through it. But the upper part is traversed by internal carotid artery,
Deep petrosal nerve which joins with greater petrosal nerve to form Vidian nerve
Structures passing through the Carotid canal:
Internal carotid artery and sympathetic plexus around it
Structures passing through the foramen Rotundum:
Maxillary nerve
Structures passing through the Pterygoid canal:
Vidian nerve (nerve of pterygoid canal)
Vidian artery
Structures passing through the stylomastoid foramen:
Facial nerve (7th nerve)
Posterior Auricular artery
Structures passing through the Petrotympanic fissure:
Chorda tympani nerve
Structures passing through the foramen Cecum:
Emissary veins from nasal mucosa to superior sagittal sinus
Structures passing through the Internal acoustic meatus:
Facial nerve
Nerves Intermedius
Labyrinthine vessels
Vestibulocochlear nerve
Mnemonic – “Fall in LoVe”
Structures passing through the Hypoglossal canal:
Hypoglossal nerve
Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Emissary veins
Structures passing through the Posterior condylar foramen:
Emissary veins connecting sigmoid sinus to suboccipital venous plexus
Foramina of Skull: Structures passing through the Jugular foramen:
Anterior part:
Inferior petrosal sinus,
(1st tributary to internal jugular vein)
Intermediate part:
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Vagus nerve
Accessory nerve
Meningeal branch of ascending pharyngeal artery
Posterior Part:
Internal jugular vein as a continuation of sigmoid sinus
Structures passing through the mastoid canaliculus:
Auricular branch of vagus
Structures passing through the tympanic canaliculus:
Tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
Structures passing through the greater palatine foramen:
Greater palatine vessels and nerves
Structures passing through the lesser palatine foramen:
Lesser palatine vessels and nerves
Structures passing through the Incisive foramen:
Terminal branch of greater palatine vessels
Structures passing through the foramen Magnum:
Anterior Part:
Apical ligament of dens
Membrana Tectoria
Vertical band of cruciate ligaments
Spinal artery
Spinal part of accessory nerve
Vertebral artery and sympathetic plexus surrounding it
Posterior part:
Medulla lower part
Cerebellar tonsils
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