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Best way to remember Anatomy with Medinaz anatomy mnemonics

What is mnemonic ?

The word mnemonic means a short pattern of letters created to remember or memorise something

How is medinaz mnemonic different from other mnemonic?

Medinaz mnemonics are usually visual mnemonics which are not just set of words but an image created accordingly so that just by looking at that image you will remember all the important things that are needed or classified under that particular thing.

The images are conceptualized based on topic specific part. The images are drawn considering all the important aspect which will help you retain the information in long term.  This will also help you review and revise your work very easily.

Here are some important Anatomy mnemonics

1. Nerve supply of tongue mnemonic

This visual mnemonic will help you to remember the nerve supply of tongue

Nerve supply of tongue mnemonic
Nerve supply of tongue mnemonic

2. Unpaired sinuses anatomy mnemonics

This anatomy mnemonic will help you to remember the unpaired sinuses.

So the unpaired sinuses mnemonic is “SIS At BPO

SSuperior sagittal

I- Inferior sagittal

S- Straight

A- Anterior intercavernous

B- Basilar venous plexus

P- Posterior intercavernous

O- Occipital

Unpaired Sinuses mnemonic
Unpaired Sinuses mnemonic

3. Cartilage derivatives of 1st Pharyngeal arch mnemonic

The below mentioned anatomy mnemonic will help you to remember cartilage derivates of 1st pharyngeal arch.

Cartilage derivates of 1st pharyngeal arch mnemonic is “I M A SUPER SEXY GIRL” .

I- Incus

M- Malleus

A- Anterior ligament of malleus

Super- Spine of sphenoid

Sexy- Sphenomandibular ligament

G- Genial tubercle of mandible

Cartilage derivatives of first pharyngeal arch mnemonic
Cartilage derivatives of first pharyngeal arch mnemonic

4. The Cranial Nerves anatomy mnemonics

These anatomy mnemonics will help you to remember all the cranial nerves.

So the mnemonic for the cranial nerves is “ Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Very Giant Volcano Ahh Hot

Oh- (I) Olfactory nerve

Oh- (II) Optic nerve

Oh- (III) Oculomotor nerve

To- (IV) Trochlear nerve

Touch- (V) Trigeminal nerve

And- (VI) Abducens nerve

Feel- (VII) Facial nerve

Very- (VIII) Vestibulocochlear nerve

Giant- (IX) Glossopharyngeal nerve

Volcano- (X) Vagus nerve

Ahh- (XI) Accessory nerve

Hot- (XII) Hypoglossal nerve

Cranial nerves anatomy mnemonics
Cranial nerves mnemonic

5. Cranial nerve types anatomy mnemonics

This mnemonic will help you to remember the cranial nerve types

The mnemonic to remember cranial nerve types is “Some Says Money Matters But My Brother Says Big Books Matter Most

(S)ome – Olfactory nerve

(S)ays – Optic nerve

(M)oney – Oculomotor nerve

(M)atters – Trochlear nerve

(B)ut – Trigeminal nerve

(M)y – Abducens nerve

(B)rother – Facial nerve

(S)ays – Vestibulocochlear nerve

(B)ig – Glossopharyngeal nerve

(B)ooks – Vagus nerve

(M)atter – Accessory nerve

(M)ost – Hypoglossal nerve

  • Here S stands for sensory
  • M stands for Motor
  • And B stands for both i.e Sensory and Motor
Cranial nerves types mnemonic
Cranial nerves types mnemonic

6. Cranial nerves types mnemonic

This mnemonic will help you remember the cranial nerves

The mnemonic for cranial nerves is “ One Of Our Telugu Teacher Asked For Very Good Vada And Halwa

One – Olfactory nerve

Of – Optic nerve

Our – Oculomotor nerve

Telugu – Trochlear nerve

Teacher – Trigeminal nerve

Asked – Abducens nerve

For – Facial nerve

Very – Vestibulococlear nerve

Good – Glossopharyngeal nerve

Vada – Vagus nerve

And – Accessory nerve

Halwa – Hypoglossal nerve

Cranial nerves types anatomy mnemonic
Cranial nerves types mnemonic

7. Circle of Willis anatomy mnemonic

Circle of willis mnemonic
Circle of willis mnemonic

8 Carotid Sheath contents anatomy mnemonics

These anatomy mnemonics will help you to remember the carotid sheath contents

Mnemonic for Carotid sheath contents is “I See 10 CC’s in the IV

I See (I.C.) – Internal Carotid artery

10– CN 10 (Vagus nerve)

CCCommon Carotid artery

IV- Internal Jugular Vein

Carotid sheath contents anatomy mnemonics
Carotid sheath contents anatomy mnemonics
Carotid sheath contents mnemonic
Carotid sheath contents mnemonic

9. Scalp Layers mnemonic

This easy mnemonic will help you remember the scalp layers name.

The mnemonic for scalp layer is “SCALP


CConnective tissue (dense)

AAponeurotic layer

LLoose connective tissue


Scalp layers mnemonic
Scalp layers mnemonic

10. Inferior vena cava tributaries mnemonic

This anatomy mnemonic will help you to remember all the inferior vena cava tributaries

The mnemonic for inferior vena cava tributaries is “I Like To Rise So High

IIliac vein (C)

LLumbar Veins

TTesticular Veins

RRenal Veins

SSuprarenal veins

HHepatic Veins

Inferior vena cava tributaries mnemonic
Inferior vena cava tributaries mnemonic

11. Branches of Facial Nerve anatomy mnemonic

This anatomy mnemonic will help you remember the branches of facial nerve.

The mnemonic for Branches of Facial nerve is “Two Zombies Broke My Car

Two- Temporal

Zombies- Zygomatic

Broke- Buccal

My – Mandibular

Car- Cervical

Branches of facial nerve mnemonic
Branches of facial nerve mnemonic

12. External Carotid artery branches mnemonic

This anatomy mnemonic will help you to remember external carotid artery branches

The mnemonic for external carotid artery branches is “Some Angry Lady Figured Out Post Menopausal Syndrome

Some – Superior thyroid

Angry – Ascending Pharyngeal

Lady – Lingual

Figured – Facial

Out – Occipital

Post – Posterior auricular

Menopausal – Maxillary

Syndrome – Superficial temporal

External carotid artery branches mnemonic
External carotid artery branches mnemonic

Medinaz Anatomy Mnemonic Book

Medinaz Anatomy mnemonic book pdf
Medinaz Anatomy mnemonic book pdf

The Visual Mnemonic Head & Neck Anatomy book is now available on “Medinaz” App. The App is available on Appstore & Playstore. Visit our website www.medinaz.com for other available books and Highyield Notes.

Book overview:

– This book contains 150+ visual mnemonics and memorizing tips
– Unique visual presentations
– Helpful Tables with High yield points
– Helpful for Medical, Dental and Nursing students
– FREE UPDATES upto 6 months from the date of publish
– Neatly organised materials
– Lifetime access
– Format: Image based PDF

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