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Subclavian Artery Branches MnemonicVery Interesting Thing, I Served The Country Since Dat (that) Day

Very – Vertebral artery

Interesting – Internal thoracic artery

Thing – Thyrocervical trunk

IInferior thyroid artery

Served – Suprascapular artery

The – Transverse cervical artery

Country – Costocervical artery

Since – Superior intercostal artery

Dat (that) – Deep cervical artery

Day – Dorsal scapular artery

Subclavian Artery Branches Mnemonic
Subclavian Artery Branches Mnemonic

You can also remember with the mnemonic: “VIT C & D

Vertebral artery
nternal thoracic artery
hyrocervical trunk
ostocervical trunk
orsal scapular artery

Check other Medical Mnemonics

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