Mnemonic wrist bones to remember all the Carpal bones
First mnemonic to remember wrist bones is “ She Looks Too Pretty Try To Care Her” or “ She Looks Too Pretty Try To Catch Her”
She: Scaphoid
Looks: Lunate
Too: Triquetrum
Pretty: Pisiform
Try: Trapezium
To: Trapezoid
Care: Capitate
Her: Hamate

You can also remember the eight carpal bones in the wrist with this mnemonic “Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle”
Some: Scaphoid
Lovers: Lunate
Try: Triquetrum
Positions: Pisiform
That: Trapezium
They: Trapezoid
Can’t: Capitate
Handle: Hamate

Here are descriptions of several carpal bones:
- Scaphoid: This bone, named for its boat-like shape, is vital in wrist function. It forms joints with five other bones and supports ligaments.
- Lunate: Located at the center of the carpal bones, the lunate is moon-shaped and plays a crucial role in wrist stability.
- Triquetrum: Situated on the little finger side of the wrist, the triquetrum provides stability and forms joints with neighboring carpal bones.
- Trapezium: Resembling its geometric namesake, this short bone is also known as the greater multangular bone.
- Trapezoid: Adjacent to the capitate, the trapezoid is the second carpal bone in alphabetical order.
- Capitate: Positioned in the center of the second row of wrist bones, the capitate forms joints with multiple bones in the wrist and hand.
- Hamate: Distinguished by a small projection, or “hook,” on one side, the hamate is unique among the carpal bones.
- Pisiform: A small, pea-shaped bone on the anteromedial side of the wrist, it contributes to the wrist joint’s structure.

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